How To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching? 17 Tricky Tips

Bleaching drains the moisture out of your hair, why it’s compulsory to keep your hair hydrated after bleaching. The question is how to hydrate hair after bleaching.   

Imagine breaking the protein present in your hair to remove the pigment out of your hair. Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Bleaching does that. The necessity of keeping your hair hydrated after bleaching isn’t that hard to realize. We’ll move on to the ways you can do that. 

But before that, let’s put some light on why you need to hydrate your hair after bleaching at all? What’ll happen if you don’t? 

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Why do You Need to Hydrate Your Hair After Bleaching?

Why do You Need to Hydrate Your Hair after Bleaching
Why do You Need to Hydrate Your Hair after Bleaching

There are several reasons for bleaching your hair. It can be to remove short hair highlights, to make your hair color lighter, or to remove hair color to go gray. Regardless of your reason to bleach your hair, the damage remains the same.  

Bleaching is a very rough method. It breaks down the fatty acid of your hair shafts. As a result, your hair is left dry.

Dry and fragile hair will result in hair breakage, hair fall, and frizzy hair. Moreover, bleaching disrupts the cuticle layer of your hair which locks the moisture.  

But, you’re in luck today. Because we’re going to tell you about many ways you can keep your hair hydrated after bleaching. 

17 Ways of Hydrating Your Hair after Bleaching

Moving from the concern of how to bleach your hair, it’s time to repair damages. 

To recover the damage you caused your hair, you must be careful with your after-bleach behavior. You must take extra care of your hair to fix bleached hair. Let’s see how to hydrate hair.  

1.No Shampoo Until 48 Hours Has Passed 

girls using shampoo, how to hydrate hair

Don’t just start using shampoo just after bleaching your hair. Bleaching makes your hair dry. Using shampoo can make things worse. 

You don’t need to make your hair any dryer than it already is. Instead, rinse your hair with water and condition it. A conditioner will help moisturize your hair. 

Maintain this for at least 48 hours. Then start using shampoo once or twice a week. Help your hair adjust first.  

2. Leave-in Conditioner is Your Friend

Use a leave-in conditioner daily after bleaching your hair. The Leave-in conditioner will provide you with continuous moisture. It also helps your hair get back to its previous form. 

The transformation won’t be overnight. But you have to show patience if you want to prevent your damaged bleached hair from falling out. 

3. Protein Mask is a Budget-Friendly Solution 

Protein Mask, how to hydrate hair after bleaching

There are cheap protein masks available at drug stores for your hair. Bleach disrupts the protein in your hair. By using a protein mask, you can help your hair rebuild its protein layer.

You can use the protein masks at home by yourself. They’re also a budget-friendly solution if you don’t want to spend too much of your money. 

Keep in mind that nothing does well when you go too far. The same goes for too much protein. It can harden your hair instead of improving it.   

4. Be Gentle with Your Hair after Bleaching

take care of hair, bleach hair damage

Don’t pull or comb your hair too harshly. It’s also a part of keeping your hair hydrated. Act gently with your hair.

Avoid chemicals that can make your hair more damaged than it already is. Make sure your hair doesn’t tangle much. Keep your hair clean. Stay away from dust for a few days after bleaching. 

5. Trim Your Damaged and Split Ends

trim hair To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching

After bleaching your hair, you should trim your hair regularly. Because you’ll certainly have damaged hair ends. No need to make your hair short.

Just trim your hair enough to remove the damaged part. It’ll prevent further damage. You can visit a professional or do it yourself.  

6. Go for a Professional Protein Treatment

Protein Treatment of hair To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching

If you’re willing to spend a fair amount of money for your hair recovery, go for a protein treatment. There are different hair treatment services available. 

Protein treatment will be appropriate for bleached hair. This one is often suggested by professionals to repair bleached hair. 

7. Protect Your Hair from The Sun

Protect Your Hair from The Sun

The UV ray can damage your natural hair. If you’ve bleached your hair, it’ll be more vulnerable to exposed sunrays. Use an umbrella. 

The sun can also burn your scalp because it’ll be damaged and fragile after bleaching. If you don’t want to carry an umbrella, at least wear a hat. 

8.No Heat Tools 

Big NO to heat tools. Heat tools always cause damage to your hair. Imagine what they’d do to your newly bleached hair. If you want to prevent your damaged bleached hair from falling out, you won’t use heat tools for at least a week. 

Even if you must use heat tools, keep the use to a minimum. Use them as frequently as possible. 

9. Don’t Go for a Hairstyle that Pulls the Roots

simple hairstyle

source: wikihow

Avoid certain hairstyles that’ll pull your hair roots. Avoid anything tight such as ponytails, tight buns, etc. Keeping your hair open is the best option for you. 

Or you can choose something gentle on your roots, such as a loose braid.  

10. Aloe Vera Heals

Aloe vera can help heal your hair and scalp. You can mix aloe vera with your homemade hair mask, other or you can directly use aloe vera without any side ingredients. 

You can apply aloe vera on your scalp and hair and leave it overnight. Aloe vera can recover your damaged cells. 

11. Try to Stay Away from Chlorine

girls in swimming pool

Another crucial detail to remember is to keep your hair away from chlorine. If you have a habit of swimming, bleached hair is a concern for you. 

The chlorine present in the swimming pool can damage your bleached hair. If you must bring your hair in contact with chlorine, remember to take a shower afterward to remove any chlorine from your hair. 

12. How To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching with Almond Oil?

almond hair for bleach hair

Almond oil contains vitamin E and proteins. That means healthy food for your hair. Almond oil will help fix your bleached hair. 

You don’t need much, just a few drops a day. Or you can add it to your hair mask. You’ll be surprised how much a few drops of almond oil will help your hair. 

13. How To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching with Coconut Oil

While almond oil supplies you with protein, coconut hair prevents losing protein. Make the coconut oil by rubbing it with your palms before applying it. Especially apply to the damaged area and ends of your hair.

14. How To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching with Argan Oil

If you want to add antioxidants to your hair, argan oil is what you’re looking for. It’ll protect your hair from further damage. Moreover, argan oil can help you lock the moisture of your hair. 

15. How To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching with Hair Masks

You can make different customized hair masks at home and apply them. Mix different oils, egg, onion juice, avocado, yogurt, honey, etc. according to availability. You can use any ingredients that benefit your hair. 

Hair Masks for bleach hair

16. How To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching with Rosemary Oil 

Rosemary oil helps your hair grow, according to research. You can use rosemary oil with other carrier oils like castor oil, coconut oil, etc., and apply it. 

17. How To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching with Olive Oil

Olive oil can provide your hair with moisture. You don’t need a large amount. Just a few drops of olive oil will do magic to your bleached hair. 

Olive Oil To Hydrate Hair After Bleaching

How to Take Care of Bleached Hair

The methods mentioned above will help you keep your hair hydrated. But there are also other ways to take care of your bleached hair. Follow them thoroughly to make sure you don’t regret bleaching your hair.

  • Reduce your usage of products with strong chemical elements on your hair. 
  • Eat healthily and drink adequate water. 
  • Be extra careful while bleaching your newly grown hair. 
  • Make sure not to use hot water on your scalp. 
  • Give your head a scalp massage whenever possible. It eases blood circulation.
  • You can take vitamins that help your hair recover from damage.
  • Do not comb your wet hair. Your hair is more fragile when it’s wet and tends to break if you comb it. 
  • Consult a hair specialist if you notice anything unusual after bleaching. 

When to See a Hair Specialist?

If all your care is going in vain, you must see a hair specialist. If you experience any of the following issues, call a hair specialist for an appointment right away.

  • You’re having difficulties brushing your hair.
  • You’re experiencing hair loss and hair breakage.
  • You’ve got unevenly textured hair. 
  • No treatment is helping your hair to improve.
  • You cannot style your hair according to your desire. 

Bottom Line

It takes time to cover from bleach hair damage. It’s surely tricky and takes patience. You need to take extra care of your hair to fix bleached hair. Hydrating is one of the most essential parts of taking care of your hair. We’ve explained almost everything about how to hydrate hair after bleaching. The rest is up to you to follow those rules and make your hair go back to its healthy form. 

If you’ve got any idea we missed, don’t forget to share it with us. We would very much like to know about your personal experience with bleaching. 

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