How To Straighten Curly Hair Without Any Heat Damage?
Everyone with curly hair craves a straight-hair look sometime. Permanently straightening your hair will be regrettable if you change your mind. You can try temporarily straightening your hair if you feel like changing your hairstyle.
If you’re thinking about an entirely different hairstyle, you can learn how to dread hair. You can do it at home without visiting the salon.
We’ll tell you how to straighten curly hair. But first things first. There are some things you should know before starting to straighten your hair.
Things You Should Know Before Straightening Your Curly Hair

Going directly to straightening your hair is not a sensible thing to do. There are certain things you must know before you get your curly hair straightened.
- You must wash your hair before straightening them.
- Remember to buy a ceramic-coated flat iron if you don’t have one.
- Use moisturizers to protect your hair from heat tools.
- Always dry your hair before straightening them.
- You should have a flat iron with bigger plates if you have thick and long hair.
- Use a flat iron that has a temperature control system.
- Avoid straightening your hair frequently, or you can damage your hair.
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How to Straighten Curly Hair
No matter what everyone says, it’s not possible to permanently straighten the hair on your own. This method will work temporarily. But, you can use some hair straightening products to make them stay straight longer than usual.
Straightening short natural hair requires less effort. Short hair highlights look great when you straighten your hair. Longer hair means more effort and time. Regardless of your hair length, the process is the same.
Step-1: Wash Your Hair

The initial step is to wash your hair using a good shampoo and conditioner. This step is important. It makes your hair clean and makes the straightening process easier.
Avoid leaving the shampoo on your hair for too long. Use a shampoo that helps smooth your hair. The same goes for the conditioner.
After washing your hair, apply a smoothing conditioner. While conditioning your hair, start with the bottom. Then move to the middle and upper hair avoiding the roots.
Tips-1: Never apply conditioner to your hair roots.
Tips-2: Use a comb to run through your hair. It helps detangle your hair. Leave the conditioner for a few minutes, and then rewash your hair.
Tips-3: Remember to comb your hair before washing your hair.
Step-2: Use Leave-in Conditioner

You must be wondering why leave-in conditioner for straightening. You’re going to use multiple heating tools. Because let’s be honest, you cannot straighten hair without heat for a long time. It’ll be very temporary.
Heating tools can make your hair dry. Leave-in conditioner puts a stop to that. It’ll moisturize your hair and prevent damage.
While using any hair product, try choosing a good quality product. Hair products contain chemicals that are harsh on your hair. Choosing a low-quality product will worsen it.
Tips: no conditioner on hair roots. Conditioners are not made for your scalp. Only use it on your middle and bottom part of your hair.
Step-3: Dry Your Hair with a Towel

After applying a leave-in conditioner, towel dries your hair. Make sure there isn’t any water dripping from your hair. This is an essential step before you move to the next one.
There shouldn’t be too much water on your hair before you blow-dry your hair. Or it’ll take a long time before you can make your hair completely dry.
While drying hair with a towel, use a microfiber towel. Gently press the towel on your hair. Avoid rubbing too hard, or you can damage your hair.
Cotton t-shirts also work great for drying your hair. It’ll absorb the water on your hair more quickly.
Step-4: Comb and Detangle Your Hair

Comb your hair to detangle it. Tangled hair will attract dust and make your straightening process tough. Use a comb that’s clean and suits your hair, preferably a wide-toothed one.
Use the proper way to comb your hair. You must know how to detangle hair properly. Or you can make them more tangled before straightening them.
Tips-1: Never start combing your hair from the root. Start from the end. Slowly detangle the bottom section of your hair and then move to the upper section.
Tips-2: Do not comb your hair too fast or aggressively. It can make your hair weak and cause hair fall.
Step-5: Heat Protection Spray

After detangling, you’ll have to use a blow-dryer. That means heat on your hair. You need a heat protection spray to protect your hair from damage.
You can choose your preferred brand. Make sure you spray all your hair. There are sprays specially made for flat iron users. Give them a try.
Heat protection sprays also contain chemicals. Use a spray with argan oil. Argan oil helps moisturize your hair and make them soft.
Avoid using protection sprays that contain silicon. Silicon will make your hair heavy and look flat. You probably don’t want that.
Step-6: Blow-dry Your Hair

Section your hair to make your hair dry quickly. Take one section and blow-dry your hair in the downside direction. Use hair clips to keep the other sections from getting in the way.
Use a round comb for support. Place the comb underneath a small strand of hair. Place the blow-dryer on top of that section and start drying. Move downwards while drying.
Use small sections of hair to make sure they’re completely dry. Dry all sections of your hair.
This step takes time and patience. Don’t be impatient and move to the next step with wet hair. The whole process will be worthless if your hair is wet.
Step-7: Straighten Your Hair
This is where you straighten your hair using a flat iron. Choose an appropriate straightener for your hair. If you use a titanium-plated straightener, your straight hair will last longer.
Avoid using a cheap straightener for your hair. They will take a lot longer than a good one. Also, the plates will not heat evenly, and the result will be very disappointing.
Make sure your straightener has temperature control. Not everyone’s hair will suit the same temperature. Adjusting the temperature level according to your hair type is crucial.

It’s time to section your hair again. If you have thick curls, make the sections smaller. Take them section by section and straighten them.
Take your flat iron and put a small strand of hair in the middle. Start from the root. Press your flat iron around the hair and move slowly to the bottom while pressing.
Don’t press your hair too hard; it can damage your hair. Repeat the process with all your hair. Check again if there’s any section you missed.
If you do not have heavy curls, use a ceramic-plated flat iron. One benefit of flat ceramic iron is it heats the whole plate evenly.
As for the temperature, it’s better if you use it between 300 degrees to 350 degrees. More than that can require extra care and professionalism.
Step-8: Make It Stay
The final step is to make the straight hair stay straight. Use a hair spray to keep it set for long enough. Try not to move your hair before using a hair spray, or you could ruin your hair.
Style your hair according to your preference before using hair spray. Use a more hair-friendly spray to avoid damaging your hair.
To make the hair stay straight longer, you can also use some other tricks. For example, using hair serum will help. Make sure you stay away from a windy environment to avoid detangling your hair.
If you want to make it stay for two or three days, you can touch it up from time to time. Re-straighten them daily but not all of your hair. Just straightening the outer layer will do.
Mistakes You Should Avoid
There are certain commonly made mistakes while straightening curly hair. Try to avoid them, making the process, and result more effective. Most people don’t care about small details while straightening hair. They should.
A small mistake can ruin your whole straight hair. The more cautious you are, the more effective the result will be. Don’t make the following mistakes.
- Using a flat iron without temperature control.
- Straightening wet hair.
- Blow-drying and straightening your hair without using heat protection spray.
- Using too much hair product after straightening hair.
- Straightening detangled hair.
- Using the highest heat setting in the straightener.
Care for Your Hair after Straightening
After you’ve finished straightening your hair, it’s time to take care of your hair. Using heat tools makes your hair rough and dry.
- You have to moisturize your hair. One good way of doing it is to use a leave-in hair serum. It’ll condition your hair and help them return to its real state.
- If you want to straighten your hair without heat, you can. There are hair straightening products available for that.
- Avoid frequently straightening your hair. Using too much heat on your hair too often can permanently damage your hair. To minimize the damage, you can use a cold blow dryer.
- Eating healthy doesn’t have any other alternative. Certain foods help your hair stay healthy. Add them to your food plan.
- Drink a lot of water. Water helps your hair stay healthy too. The motive is to make amends for the damage you caused your hair while straightening.
Bottom Line
That was all about how to straighten your curly hair. Follow each step with caution and without any mistakes. If you want lasting straight hair for any occasion, you must do it the proper way. There are certain rules to follow before and after getting your curly hair straightened. Try not to miss anyone, and you should be good to go.
Don’t forget to share your experience with us. Were you satisfied with your straight hair? What hairstyle did you go for?